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Funded by the European Union
Project 81
Welcome to the Project 81 'learning' page. Our intention is to share current and relevant information together with good practice through several platforms linked to this page.
Webinars - this page will provide recordings of webinars and any associated information.
FAQ - a linked sub page will contain answers to common questions asked of our experts and additionally signpost visitors to sources of invaluable information, relevant to the aims of this project.
Good Practice - a linked sub page will provide current good practice.
Webinar - 25/11/2021 - Novel Pathogen Detection & Sequencing
An edited version of this webinar is available to view on YouTube.
Webinar - 27/10/2021 - Outbreak preparedness - using the WHO LBM4 to assess risk and move towards resilience.
An edited version of this webinar is available on YouTube.
Webinar - 29/09/2021 - Training for Laboratory workers in end-to-end diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2.
An edited version of this recorded webinar is available on YouTube.
Webinar - 11/08/2021 - Management of SARS-CoV-2 Waste Generated from Different Settings.
A copy of this excellent presentation delivered by Tom Pottage of Public Health England is now available in .pdf format. An edited version of the recorded session has been posted on YouTube.
Webinar - 21/07/2021 Surge Capacity Assessment Tool
A copy of this webinar is now available to view in full on YouTube. A detailed presentation on the use of the newly-created Surge Capacity Assessment Tool (SCAT) for Laboratories was provided by Dr. Joris Sprokholt and Dr. Iris Vennis of the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).
Webinar 18/08/2020 - An Overview of International Activities in Response to COVID-19 - Part 2.
Due to technical problems the webinar was only partly recorded. The link below captures the introduction by John Jones followed by the opening address of Mr Florentino Manalastas Jr. Head of the Regional Secretariat, South East Asia. Thereafter the presentation by Dr Stuart Blacksell, Senior Research Scientist , Bio-risk and Zoonosis group leader, Health and Safety team leader and Post-graduate Student Coordinator, Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Bangkok, Thailand is heard.
Webinar 04/04/2020 - CBRN Project 81 Overview
The audio recording of the webinar can be found below with indicative timings as follows:
Start - Introduction from Team Leader - John Jones.
02:30 - Opening remarks from Mr. Florentino Manalastas, Jr., Head of Regional Secretariat for South East Asia.
06:00 - John Jones - P81 overview.
18:30 - Dr. Alessandro Mancon - “Response to COVID-19 pandemic: the experience of Sacco Hospital, Milan, Italy
36:00 - Dr Saskia Rutjes, National Institute for Public Health, The Netherlands.
61:00 - Prof. Christopher Logue, Virology, Biosafety and Molecular Biology Training lead at Public Health England.
95:00 - closing remarks.
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